abc Brokerage is a unique stock trading application that lets users trade, track portfolios, follow market movements, read latest market analysis and get live streaming data of market updates. The application is available anywhere and can be used at any time. abc Brokerage provides you with the right tool to keep up-to-date with market’s movement and allows you to take position accordingly.
The application is already to be configured for any stock market or any investment company. The company can offer this product to its users so that they can keep track on their portfolio and/or take instant decisions about stock buying/selling. The application can also be used by traders online enabling them to get market updates
Trading is a sensitive application and that is why we take security seriously. Our application offers two levels of authentication. We are also using latest technologies such as fingerprint and username/password combinations. We also store IMEI and mobile device information and verify them on each login to detect any abnormal activity. All of these will be reported online